2011 Online Rates & Specs

2011 Online Rates*
Unit Size Rate / Frequency
Top Leaderboard 728 x 90 $3,500 /30 days
Full Banner 468 x 60 $2,200 / 30 days
Half Banner 234 x 60 $1,200/ 30 days
Skyscraper 160 x 600 $1800 / 30 days
Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 $1,500 / 30 days
*gross rates

Acceptable Formats:

Flash ad (.swf) OR Static ad (.jpeg or .gif)

When submitting FLASH please provide following:
*Flash (.swf file)
*Image backup (.gif or .jpg file)
*Clickthrough URL(s)

Flash file shouldn't be bigger than 50kb. For Flash files to work with our tracking system, set the on (release) function (clcikTAG). Flash file needs to be created in ActionScript 2 for this to work.

For questions regarding ClicTAG formats, please contact Bill Buckley at 212-699-2331 or bbuckley@racherpress.com.

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